2009年6月2日 星期二

Session 3 Question Supplement

Jenny 提到...

Going back to Question 1, could you give three or four DATA elements that are collected by airlines when a customer (a) makes a reservation, (b) uses frequent flyer miles, and (c) completes a flight? Then explain how CRM data already existing in the system can improve these three processes.

Answer: When the consumer entry the personal data to order the flight ticket or make reservation that the information will show on CRM system for select their needs like destination or seat class. It might help Airline Company to process the customer segmentation and analyst whose are loyalty customer. Most consumers would like to use the frequent flyer miles to redeem the special offer to exchange the gift, upgrade seat class, theme park free coupon or flight ticket advanced. For the experience, most customers would enjoy this offer and it would lower costly for customer acquisition and retention. When the consumers enjoyed the journey, the airline customer services department could calculate their historical data or behavior to assay the market information and send the suitable offer by email to individual like one by one. It may caused the guest can feel a high-quality and personal service; also make the two way communication and collaboration.

1 則留言:

  1. Noted your updates ! Wow, there sure are a lot of funny airline commercials...
